The fee for registration and materials is separate from the tuition fee. The registration fee for new students is $65 (includes music, CD, music bag, and magnet board).
Registration/materials for return students is $25.
Registration fees are due with the registration form to hold your child’s place in the class.
Keyboard Classes: Total tuition for the semester is $350.00, which may be paid in five equal monthly installments of $70.00 per month. There is a $5.00 per month discount for any additional family members who choose to pay by the month. You can receive a 10% discount (for a total of $315.00) if paid in full at time of registration. Monthly installments are due by the 5th of each month.
Tuition received after the 10th of the month is subject to a $10.00 Late Fee.
All classes are 50 minutes long. Materials should be brought to class each week.
Students are encouraged to come a few minutes early to warm up or practice. Late arrivals tend to disturb the class time.
Whenever possible, please leave siblings at home. Their presence can disturb concentration.
Tuition reserves a place for a student in a weekly class. There is no reduction in tuition for a missed lesson; however, arrangements can be made for a student to attend another class at a similar level.
If scheduling prohibits attendance, a private make-up lesson can be scheduled.
The fee is $25.00 per lesson. (Monthly rate: $90.00 per month.) Semester tuition is $450.00 (monthly rate). Classes are 30 minutes long, with one class per week. Materials are provided at cost. Call for an appointment.
This school brings out fantastic abilities in children in such a pleasant, well-planned manner, delivered by Mr. Bolton. Mr. Bolton is a teacher of the highest caliber.
The musical gift this school is giving my child will stay with him for the rest of his life.
My son developed a true love for music which is what I want to see. What keeps his passion of music growing is the great variety of musical styles offered at this school. I highly recommend Harmony Road Music School.
-Irma Vasat
He is a very talented, professional, patient, and caring teacher, who uses lots of positive reinforcement and feedback to help his student grow.
- Tamara Jennings